_an insider’s point of view, a contemporary guide to the best places of Aquileia.
_six slow itineraries through museums, archaeological areas and good food in a relaxed mood.
The incentro guides were conceived for tourists enamoured of the finer sides of Italy, consisting in the country’s beautiful mixture of art/culture/nature. Written by experts, these guides are meant to recount the best of a country like Italy, naturally apt to catch the visitors’ eyes. The best places – and the Top 5 – where tourists can enjoy a good time and a good life, while getting to know Italian cities from the inside.
Elena Commessatti was born in Udine. Writer and literary journalist, she also works as a screenwriter and presenter for RAI – Radiotelevisione italiana (the national public broadcasting company of Italy). She has often dealt with the biographies of “forgotten” individuals (such as inventor Arturo Malignani) and of “invisible” places, which were adapted and broadcasted on the Italian radio. After being awarded a master’s degree in Storytelling Techniques at the Scuola Holden – School of writing in Turin, she worked for a few years in editorial offices and press offices in Milan. As an author, she has a predilection for seriality, as proven by the noir saga The books of Agata Est (dedicated to the real story of the serial killer known as the “Monster of Udine”), and by her format of slow tourist itineraries-guides Udine “genius loci”. For Odòs publishing house she works both as the editorial director of the incentro guides series (whose format she invented), and as an author. A few years after Udine: A Guide, she has now chosen to return to tell the tale of the beautiful city of Aquileia. She has been a contributor to the cultural pages of the “Messaggero Veneto’’ newspaper since 1995. Since 2007 she has been the narrative voice of Moroso furniture design company.